Doesnt mean u failed once.U r a failure for ur whole life.
Bcoz a failure is one step ahead to success.
& a failure will learn from their mistakes.
& im one of them.i failed my o's and i realised what's there to b ashamed off?
its to late to turn back time & make changes of my past
that i wish it didnt happen to b what i am today.
well,i move on & decided to repeat.
That's my decision.i've made it clear.
i dn care wat people wana say bout me as im repeating my o's.
its my the one who taking the be it.
cant understand some people,talk n talk n talk.hahaha.
Do i owe you u living people?so why bother??
Mind ur own life.will you?thankyou.
if u think u r so CLEVER,oh im so fcukin proud of u.
but at least i noe how to treasure my pride;p do u?oops!
HAHAHAHA.Do u guys heard of this before?
"Live life to the fullest witout regrets."
Yea.thats the way.&
at the end of the day,NO ONE CAN BRING ME DOWN.