This is my fake smile face.ok BORING!
Juz nw i hv been accepted 2 repeat siglap bk!
ok,dats the great news for me n my family,fren,boi fren
best fren,untie uncle.haha!
But the sad part is i hv 2 start skewl tomorow
which start at 8am n ends at 9pm!!!!O.M.F.G :(
Apparently i hv 2 attend this program together wit sec 4e.
& so i hv 2 stick wit them 4 the nxt three days.
& i only get 2 join my fellow sec5 friends nxt week.:(
......Ya,This is my life nw.i dn mind.
I really wana study n study n study mcm org giler till i
get wat i wan!ok yana?yana boleh!!heh.
So set ur mind right & move on.
If someone dare 2 insult me tomorow..
hmmm.i juz smile n walk away =)
& Do u noe what is
karma?yeah u better be!
cant wait what will happen 2 me tomorow.
hehehe.wish me luck luck luck!ok best.
Off 2 mit nazreen nw.weeee!