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Your blog title
Twitter: A person is only complete when she has a true friend to understand her, to share all her passions and sorrows with, and to stand by her throughout her life." Quotes: We might kiss when we are alone, when nobody's watching. We might take it home, we might make out when nobody's there. It's not that we're scared. It's just that it's delicate.
Happy BOOBS Day! ;D
Saturday, November 29, 2008, 4:59 AM

Happy 18Th Birthday My Best Friend.
Hope you had a blast on your birthday surprises!
The 18 Balloons.The screaming.The cakes.The candles & Bedok reservoir:)
Hope you like it sweet.
Its been 6yrs.I love & treasure u for who u are.
I've nvr once regret being your friend.
It makes me more happier seeing you smile everyday.
Whatever happens,i will b right by your side if you need me.
I love you best friend!

"Alah...!i dnt care.i want my mac.Donald breakfast!hmmph!"

True friendship comes when silence between two people is comfortable



Do you know?
Sunday, November 23, 2008, 7:50 AM


Everyone or should i say majority of the people
would skip their breakfast.
Typical excuses they might gv are, "Late for work."
"I dnt feel like eating, i'm full."
And the list go on....
Where breakfast is really about "breaking" an overnight "fast".
According to University of Florida study that looked at the weight & academic performance found that teens who consistently ate breakfast had better nutritional profiles.Moreover, they were also less likely to be overweight, and had better memory, grades, school attendance.On the other hand, breakfast skippers were often tired and restless during the day.Basically because, they hv lack of energy.
Imagine u woke up at 6 in the morning everyday to get ready to go school or
etc.and you skip ur breakfast. Your lunch break will b at 11am.
Which means, your body will have to hold on for at least 5hrs or so
without any help of nutrition's in your body!
Think about it.Would spending 5 mins of your time everyday to take breakfast
harm you?
NO! Even if you have no time for full breakfast,try these.
*Peanut butter & banana on brown bread
*Breakfast bar and low-fat milk

Love your body people!

"How you feel about your body should nvr be an excuse for not getting out there and living your life."



Weakness & Reasons
, 2:35 AM

Be straight up.Communication is the key.Hold on to the love.

Lets just say I'm too TIRED .
They said keeping negative feelings in will only lead to anger & resentment in the
long term, and make the situation worse.
But i said, whats the point of telling when one doesn't seem to be bothered.
When one takes it easy & think everything is a joke to itself.
Instead, it will lead to more complication & frustration.

So, to think of it.Lets gv a big "F" yar.


"Eventually, sooner or later the truth comes to light.It takes one lie ruins a thousand truths."


Thursday, November 20, 2008, 8:28 AM

I really fall in love with this picture.
Its so beautiful & Vintage.
She seriously look vogue=)

For some reasons, i think, life can only be understood backwards,
but it must be lived forward.
Everyone in this world lies, for good or for the better.
They have their own reasons.
But yet, sometimes or most of the times, saying the truth
may result to more misunderstanding and hurt.
Sometimes telling lies are far more safer than tellin the truth.
So that the other partie wont get to emotional breakdown & stop thinking
of the problem.
Sometimes people are force to tell lies.
For example, should he/she tell his/her mother that she only had 3 months left to
Becoz she was suffering from cancer?
Sometimes people make use or should i say takin advantage of it.
They make use of tellin lies so that they wont get into trouble and run away.
So that they wont lose the ones the loves.
So that he/she could get another chance to learn from his/her mistakes.
But at the end of the day, they would still repeat the same mistakes again.
& when these drag on the victim would resort to depression.
So, which is which people?
Tellin the truth or tellin the lies?

We make a living by what we get, we make alife by what we give.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008, 7:19 AM

This picture was taken by Farhana(my idiot bro current gf)haha.
Those two people are, Lyyana the cute face('_')E'in the step cute tak menjadi face.hehe!I LOVE YOU BF:)
Well,occasionally we decided to ate ice cream Gelare at Siglap road after arguing
with one another where shld we head too.Bloody hell,its always like this tau.
ok,not always lahs.

Photo takin time!;)

I should not elaborate more on what happen that day.
Cause its just too hurting & it ends with disappointment.
Ok,back to the presences.
These past few days i managed to juggle my time & mit up with
my friends.
Hell ya!i effing miss them lah.
They nvr fail to made me laugh.Love you all so much!muahz<3.

However,i am still not satisfied bcoz my camera is still stuck.
I cant cam-whoring & snap all those wonderful moments.
ahhhh.annoying sia!
Who is Lyyana without CAMERA?
you tell me!hahahahaha.
I will & always be TOTALLY happy once i got my camera back!puff.
im tired.
There is something that just seem cant stop playin in my mind.
Why?mayb i just miss YOU.

*Disappointment sets in when they fail to experience what they expect.


Sunday, November 16, 2008, 8:11 AM

With the Bottom of my heart,

Sorry that i have failed to make you happy.
Sorry that i was not Good enough.
I am just a human being & i make mistakes.
But,i learn from it.
Sorry again.I'm Just not PERFECT.

"Truly, to tell lies is not honorable; but when the truth entails tremendous ruin, To speak dishonorably is pardonable."


Thursday, November 6, 2008, 10:15 PM

I'm freaking pissed right now.
Everything are not in place.
Laptop is not performing,my personal pictures SOMEONE[Fcuk] literally deleted it.
My camera is not working either.
All those important gadget's are not showing any signals.
Damn.When i need those things at this period of time,everything fall apart.
Which means i hv to send them to service.
Which means i hv to splurge my money again!arggh.
Couldn't it get any worse?=(
When i was about to enjoy my life,something always occurred.
How nice................
okok,lets stop dwelling & look at the bright sight will you?=)
Btw,tomorrow will be my final paper="WOOOHOOOO!FREEDOM!"
Work starts tomorrow & catching up lessons with my fellow Best-Girlfriends starts
tomorrow too!
Finally,the moments of hell has momentarily end.
At least i deserve a 2 months break for now.
i'm so lovin it;)


"Everytime i tried,i was greeted by an arsenal of sarcasm."


Wednesday, November 5, 2008, 8:16 AM

Joe Jonas.

Isn't he the hottest?ok mayb not.
But nevertheless,he will still be the cutest guy!
Joe Jonas! I love You!

P.S:Sorry Bf :) Its just a random post.U're always b in my heart love.

& Yes!tmrow working baybeh!ahhhhh..Goodnitez readers.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008, 1:50 AM
hey! im back frm amazon! like real je.
hahaha.macam paham lah yana...
Im done with my o's.
oops act not.One more paper left,which will takes place nxt week.
& last abt only an hour for the sci.paper?how pathetic it is.
But at least 95% of my olevel paper are O-V-E-R people.
This time round,i can sense the satisfaction.YES.
I know i did my best & hell ya!
i sacrifice my bloody time & hari raya juz for my o's.
GoOd Girl kn?i know rite..(tak tahu malu!)
i swear i miss my FRIENDS.

There's a lot more people whom i miss too.
Hope to catch up with them soon.
Btw,im kinda piss right now.
Please stop tellin me what to do and 24/7 nag at me.
Open ur eyes big and think b4 u shoot any words 2 me.
Gv me some peace will you?
Like "abfusgfdkbrgighwilgnoi".
i wish there's someone whom i could rely on
and gv me attention at least.
Bcz,sometimes,i just really need it.

Current Mood: Mooooooodddddddddddyyyyyyyyy!!
Can someone gv me a hug?

P.S:its getting B-O-R-I-N-G & BoRiNg.