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Your blog title
Twitter: A person is only complete when she has a true friend to understand her, to share all her passions and sorrows with, and to stand by her throughout her life." Quotes: We might kiss when we are alone, when nobody's watching. We might take it home, we might make out when nobody's there. It's not that we're scared. It's just that it's delicate.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 8:49 AM
I miss this.I miss that.I miss them :)

"You make a choice everyday in your life."



Sunday, April 19, 2009, 10:30 AM
So what are u doing with ur partner? I don't mean what are you doing right now.i mean why are you together? I hope the answer is because you love them and they make you feel good about yourself.

You don't need them though. If your partner is doing their job properly-nd so are u-u can manage without them. That's not to say you'd choose to, but you could if you had to. In a strong relationship, partners don't breed dependence-they encourage independence. If ur partner loves you for who you are, they won't try to change you into anything else, but will help you to feel stronger and more confident and secure as a person, and to have greater self-esteem.

However,if u are too independent enough to go through all the obstacle alone.
You don't need them to make you feel special, or gv u financial security, whats the point of having a partner?
So what are partner for?you tell me.
So why are you with them?Because you want to be.That's it. No other reason. Isn't that fabulous? You don't have to be there, you just choose to be.

So people,ask yourself this.Why do you still want to be with your partner?
Think carefully.I am very sure there are thousands of answers in your mind.
hahaha.Isn't it complicated?
As you guys know,i got all these information from a book called RULES OF LOVE.
I didnt exactly copy it directly from the book.Because it was tooooo looonnggg.
I just summarise it.malas uhh.

"Be together because you want to, not because you need to."



A-S oiiiiii!
, 9:32 AM

It was a hectic week i must said.There was no rest for me.
Because my weekends were occupied by work & family.
& my week days were occupied with SCHOOL obviously!
Ok besides that,orientation was superb!gv it 8/10.
Actually, after orientation i was suppose to meet rozzy & plan to go jam & hop together.
But unfortunately, i finish late! i didnt get to go Tp Jam & Hop.ahhhh.
Sorry rozz & zack!
Btw,my dad bought for me a laptop! yeeehaaaaa =) thankq dad.
Next stop, CAMERA PLZZZZz.
where's my canon camera, 14.6 mgx nie? tsk!

So Pack.
Thursday, April 16, 2009, 10:53 AM

Everything is new now..It feels different being in poly.
Its a big change for me.But well, im supperrr glad & thankful that i made it.
Currently,im having my orientation diz past few days.Im soooo super busy &
lazy to update blog.gosh.
i miss maboo.You dnt hv to worry dear,i'll always love you.
Tomorrow gonna be a looooooonnnnnngggggggg, ffuuun & tiring day....
Orientation.Jam & Hop. Dear fetching me! Movie time.yeay!
ooowwh ya,b4 i go.i bump into someone just now.hehe.
goooodnight people!Lyyana<33
"When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself."


Sunday, April 5, 2009, 9:58 AM
I really miss all of my friends.

"We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly."


Rule of Love?
Friday, April 3, 2009, 7:13 AM
Don't stay with someone who doesn't care.

Some people are great at being partners, and some just aren't.
Once they've known you through all the seasons, they settle down into
taking you for granted.They haven't got time for your problems-
if they've even noticed that you're not usual jolly self.
They don't bring flowers anymore, or suggest a romantic evening out, or
spoil you on your birthday. In short, they just don't care enough.

Often the people who do this downright self-centred.
They stop noticing you once they think the relationship is
secure, and go back to thinking about themselves.
They'll probably still expect you to look out for them, and listen while
they talk through their problems or offload the stress of the day, but they're reluctant to reciprocate.

Sadly, these people aren't likely to change, at least not for you.
Maybe-one day-they'll be dumped by someone really special and it will
wake them up for next time.I hope so. But it may have to be you that dumps them.
The fact is that they don't care enough, they won't make you feel special.And that's not right or fair.

You want your partner who makes you feel special because you are, and
they want you to know it, not one who has learnt to go through the
motions in order to stop you leaving. and that's what it comes down to. If your partner truly cares about you, they'll make it very clear. If, deep down, they're
putting themselves first and taking you for granted, its not going to change.
You deserve better than that: go and find yourself someone who really wants to make you happy.

If your partner doesn't care about you now,at the start of the relationship,
things will go downhill if you stay together.Don't imagine that moving in together
or getting married or whatever is going to make it all better, because i can tell you now that it will make it all worse. You need well and truly to resolve this
problem before you consider making a big commitment to them-and good luck to you.
If you decide to give them a last chance, give it a very long time to be sure they
really changed before you commit yourself.

Somewhere out there is someone who will care for you for properly, in every sense.
Don't throw yourself away on someone who won't.It will damage your confidence and
your self-esteem over the years, as well as making you unhappy. So do yourself a favour and wait for someone better to come along.

"You want a partner who makes you feel special because you are."

Quote from a book "The rule of Love."


I know I know its a lengthy post.But it makes sense though.

Read it carefully if you guys have the time.

I dont force you guys to read, if you dnt wanna read it.

Tu kau nye pasal!

Ok toodles!


Thursday, April 2, 2009, 8:57 AM
Perhaps im just tooo TIRED.done


Wednesday, April 1, 2009, 8:55 AM
I felt that i'm the bad person.
These past few months, i got easily irritated & annoyed by you.
Maybe because i cnt stand the way u treating me &
those "incredible" words of yours just to make me feel down.
I do feel sad & remorse everytime i thought about it.
In other words, deep down i felt that i failed to make you realised
that i treasure our friendship.
I tried my best to be a good friend.
Maybe i wasn't good enough for you.
Or maybe i wasn't even part of your life.
To think of the situation again & again,i am just wasting my
YOu dnt even bother.
I cnt stand feeling this way anymore.
I realised that you dnt know when to stop hurting me.
There's a limit to everything.
But still....
I believe deep deep down you,there's a person with a good heart.
You just gotta control your emotions well.
I say so because, i care.
Every person that walks into my life, are important to me.
Especially my Love ones.


Random lah!
, 8:03 AM

1) Are you in love now... or falling in love?Im deeply in Love now & always.
2) Have u been cheated on?errmmmm...ask him urself cn?
3) Have you cheated on someone?Once? heh.
4) Are you in a relationship now?cn i say "LIKE DUHH!!!"
5) When was your last break up?5 years ago?
6) How many boyfriends have you had?alot la sia..haha.only 3 je..
7) Do you ever want 2 get married and have kids?yes.in 8 yrs time?nk enjoy dulu.
8) Who is your first true love (even if it didnt work out)?its a secret.jgn jadi kpo!
9) Do you believe in Love at first siteYes.certainly!
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